Atlanta’s Favorite Firing Range, Gun Store and Safe Outlet
Our indoor shooting ranges exceed the industry standards for training and safety with professional instructors always on hand to ensure that every shooter has the knowledge they need. We stock all the latest in firearms and accessories. Whether you want to buy now, put something on layaway, or rent, we’ve got you covered.
Parts & Accessories
Shop Us North or South
North Location
Our North store is conveniently located right near Spaghetti Junction (285 & 85N). Check out our heated and air conditioned indoor firing range, gun shop and safe showroom including Fort Knox Vaults and Champion Safes.
South Location
We are about 7 miles from the Atlanta Airport off I75, near the Farmer’s Market. This is where our tradition of providing the South’s finest firearms, range and discounted safes began. Visit our air conditioned and heated range and monster safe showroom.